Acceptance (schooljaar 2023-2024, vanaf 20-7-2023)
Zie Technical documentation voor het actuele overzicht.
The following roles have access to this web service:
Role |
Distributor |
Operation authentication
All operations, except login, need either the loginHeader or the sessionIDHeader to authenticate. A sessionID can be obtained by performing the login operation beforehand.
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description | ||
loginHeader sessionIDHeader | 1...1 1...1 | You can use either one of the variables | |||
Operation overview
The following roles have access to this operation:
Role |
Distributor |
Name | Type | Cardinality | ||
loginHeader | loginHeader | 1...1 | ||
Empty request
Name | Type | Cardinality |
sessionID | string64 | 1...1 |
Error codes
Error code | Description |
2 | Authentication error |
The getPerson operation can be used to retreive information about persons. This operation can be used either as and distributor or ELO.
The following roles have access to this operation:
Role |
Distributor |
Name | Cardinality | |||
You have a CHOICE of the next 4 items at this level Name Type Cardinality portalID string64 1..1 profileID profileID 1...100 distributorPersonID string256 1...100 userID string256 1...100 | 1..1 | |||
In case of a request by multiple profileID's, distributorPersonID's or userID's the response can be partially built up when records are not found or available.
Name | Type | Cardinality |
person | person | 0...n |
Error codes
Error code | Description |
4 | Authorization error |
6 | Missing required field(s) |
The getSchools operations outputs a list of available schools.
The following roles have access to this operation:
Role |
Distributor |
Name | Type | Cardinality | ||
You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level Name Type Cardinality organisationID organisationID 1...100 portalID string64 1...1 | 1...1 | |||
Name | Type | Cardinality |
school | school | 0...n |
Error codes
Error code | Description |
4 | Authorization error |
6 | Missing required field(s) |
This operations allows for deletion of a person.
The following roles have access to this operation:
Role |
Distributor |
The request can obtain an maximum of 100 unique distributorPersonID's.
Name | Type | Cardinality | ||
distributorPersonID | string256 | 1...100 | ||
Empty response
Error codes
Error code | Description |
4 | Authorization error |
6 | Missing required field(s) |
7 | Record not found |
With the uploadPersons operation you have the ability to upload persons. Either a single or multiple persons can be uploaded in a single call.
The following roles have access to this operation:
Role |
Distributor |
Name | Type | Cardinality | ||
person | uploadPerson | 1...100 | ||
Empty response
Error codes
Error code | Description |
4 | Authorization error |
6 | Missing required field(s) |
General errors
General errors may occur within every operation.
Error code | Description |
0 | Unkown error |
1 | General error This occurs in for example: database errors or internal server errors. |
2 | Authentication error For instance when invalid credentials are provided. |
3 | Login sessionID is expired The given sessionID is no longer active and has expired. Acquire a new sessionID to proceed. |
4 | Authorization error You do not have permission to use this operation. |
5 | Bad request Parsing error, for instance when invalid xml has been provided. |
Specific errors
Specific errors are bound to the given input or request and depend on the operation you execute.
Error code | Description |
6 | Missing required field(s) One or more fields are missing within the request. In case of a choice-element at least one value must be given. |
7 | Record not found A given value was not found. |
8 | Record cannot be changed Some functions are idempotent and therefor values cannot be altered within a second request. |
9 | Process validation error The given request does not meet the process constraints |
Complex types
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description | ||
profileID | profileID | 1...1 | Unique identifier generated by Edu-iX. | ||
distributorPersonID | string256 | 0...1 | Unique identifier of the person to which this credit is connected. | ||
firstName | string50 | 1...1 | First name of the person | ||
preposition | string15 | 0...1 | Preposition of the person | ||
surname | string50 | 1...1 | Surname of the person | ||
postalCode | postalCode | 1...1 | In case of a dutch postal code a regex check is applied. | ||
houseNumber | houseNumber | 0...1 | Housenumber | ||
gender | gender | 0...1 | The person his gender | ||
dateOfBirth | dateOfBirth | 0...1 | Date of birt of the person | ||
countryCode | countryCode | 1...1 | Country code in which the person lives | ||
userID | string256 | 0...1 | Unique identification of the end user. This value is also known as the prematch value. | ||
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description | ||
distributorPersonID | string256 | 1...1 | Unique identifier of the person to which this credit is connected. | ||
firstName | string50 | 1...1 | First name of the person | ||
prepostion | string15 | 0...1 | Preposition of the person | ||
surname | string50 | 1...1 | Surname of the person | ||
postalCode | postalCode | 1...1 | In case of a dutch postal code a regex check is applied. | ||
houseNumber | houseNumber | 0...1 | Housenumber | ||
gender | gender | 0...1 | The person his gender | ||
dateOfBirth | dateOfBirth | 0...1 | Date of birt of the person | ||
countryCode | countryCode | 1...1 | Country code in which the person lives | ||
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description | ||
username | string100 | 0...1 | An identification used by a person to login. | ||
password | string64 | 0...1 | A secret word or phrase used for authentication. | ||
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description | ||
organisationID | organisationID | 1...1 | Unique identifier of the school to which this credit is connected. | ||
name | string100 | 1...1 | Name of the school. | ||
street | string50 | 0...1 | Street address of the school. | ||
houseNumber | houseNumber | 0...1 | Street number of the school. | ||
houseNumberAddition | string10 | 0...1 | Street number addition of the school. | ||
postalCode | postalCode | 0...1 | Postal code of the school. | ||
city | string50 | 0...1 | City in which the school is located. | ||
countryCode | countryCode | 1...1 | Country in which the school is located. | ||
brin | string10 | 0...1 | The BRIN(Basisregistratie instellingen) is an identifier. The first four characters are alphanumerical and represent an educational institution. The last characters are numerical and represent an identifier for the location of a educational institution. | ||
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description | ||
code | integer | 1...1 | Code to identify the fault type. | ||
message | string | 1...1 | Specific message which describes the fault. | ||
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description | ||
personFault | personFault | 0...n | A collection of personFault distinguished per person. | ||
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description | ||
distributorPersonID | string256 | 1...1 | Unique identifier of the person for whom the fault occured. | ||
code | integer | 1...1 | Code to identify the fault type. | ||
message | string | 1...1 | Specific message which describes the fault. | ||
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description | ||
sessionID | string64 | 1...1 | Unique token which can be acquired by executing the login operation. | ||
Simple types
Name | Type | Possible values / format | Description |
string10 | String | Max length: 10 characters | String limited by a number of maximum allowed characters. |
string15 | String | Max length: 15 characters | String limited by a number of maximum allowed characters. |
string50 | String | Max length: 50 characters | String limited by a number of maximum allowed characters. |
string64 | String | Max length: 64 characters | String limited by a number of maximum allowed characters. |
string100 | String | Max length: 100 characters | String limited by a number of maximum allowed characters. |
string256 | String | Max length: 256 characters | String limited by a number of maximum allowed characters. |
postalCode | String | Max length: 10 characters | In case of a dutch postal code the following regex should be applied: [0-9]{4} [A-Z]{2} |
houseNumber | Integer | Minimal value must be atleast 1 | |
countryCode | Enum | Official ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 notation of a country code | |
gender | Enum | Possible values:
| M = male, F = female & U = unspecified |
dateOfBirth | Date | ||
profileID | Integer | Minimal value must be at least 1 | A profile ID is an positive integer number with maximum 10 characters. |
organisationID | String | Min length: 1 character Max length: 160 characters | Unique identifier of a school, e.g. “digiDeliveryId”. |
Term | Description |
ECK | Educatieve contentketen. More information on: |
ECK ID | Unique identifier of a person according to the ECK standard |
ELO | Elektronische leeromgeving (electronic learning environment) |
Specification | Specification is the proces of sending credits from Edu-iX to the publisher. Each specification contains information about the end user and the credit itself. After the specification is completed the credit is available for user by the end user. |
Prematch | Prematch is the process of connecting the unique identifier of the end user, available in the ELO, to order data (personal details and credit information) in Edu-iX. |