The Credit 5.1 2 web service main function is to provide the ability to create and update credits. Either EBF or IBF can be created through this web service.
Table of Contents | ||
Zie Technical documentation voor het actuele overzicht.
The following roles have access to this web service:
Role |
Distributor |
Change history
The following items are changed since the previous version /wiki/spaces/EDUIX/pages/2785291:
blockCredits operation added
Credit 5.1:
deliveryType per credit is added
Operation overview
Operation authentication
All operations, except login, need either the loginHeader or the sessionIDHeader to authenticate. A sessionID can be obtained by performing the login operation beforehand.
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description | ||
loginHeader sessionIDHeader | 1...1 1...1 | You can use either one of the variables | |||
The login function provides you with a sessionID after execution. This sessionID can be used to execute consecutive operations with the sessionIDHeader.
Name | Type | Cardinality |
loginHeader | 0...n |
Empty request
Name | Type | Cardinality |
sessionID | 1...1 |
Error codes
Error code | Description |
2 | |
4 |
The getPersonCredits can be used to retrieve information about earlier created EBF credits.
You have a choice to use either the loginHeader or the sessionIDHeader to authenticate. A sessionID can be obtained by performing the login operation beforehand. See operation authentication.
The distributorCreditID element provides the ability to request up to a maximum of 100 different credits at once.
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description | ||
distributorCreditID | 1...100 | At least one of these fields must be filled. | |||
distributorPersonID | 1…1 | ||||
eckID | 1…1 | ||||
userID | 1…1 | ||||
ean | 0…1 | ||||
In case of a request by multiple distributorCreditID's the response can be partially built up when records are not found or available.
The element specification is only provided when the credits has been specified.
The element error is only returned on errors within the specification process. It may contain errors directly from the publisher or transport errors.
Name | Type | Cardinality |
personCredit | 0...n |
Error codes
Error code | Description |
4 | |
6 |
The getSchoolCredits can be used to retrieve information about earlier created IBF credits.
You have a choice to use either the loginHeader or the sessionIDHeader to authenticate. A sessionID can be obtained by performing the login operation beforehand. See operation authentication.
The distributorCreditID element provides the ability to request up to a maximum of 100 different credits at once.
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description | ||
distributorCreditID | 1...100 | At least one of these fields must be filled. | |||
organisationID | 1…1 | ||||
ean | 0…1 | ||||
In case of a request by multiple distributorCreditID's the response can be partially built up when records are not found or available.
Name | Type | Cardinality |
schoolCredit | 0...n |
Error codes
Error code | Description |
4 | |
6 |
With the uploadPersonCredits operation you have the ability to create one or more EBF credits at once.
The idempotent characteristic of this operations ensures calls can be made multiple times without errors. On certain conditions you have the ability to edit fields on existing credits. The following fields can be updated:
Field | Condition |
block | Can only be updated before the credit has been specified |
eckID | Can only be updated before the credit has been specified and both eckID and userID are empty. |
userID | Can only be updated before the credit has been specified and both eckID and userID are empty. |
eckID / userID
If eckID or the userID is provided on creation or on update of the credit, the credit will be immediately specified.
Creating credits without existing persons
Unlike earlier versions of the credit webservice it's possible to create credits without an available person record. Previous versions required you to create a person through the profile webservice beforehand.
The specification proces within Edu-iX requires at least one identifier on which it can specify to publishers. This identifier can either be obtained by the prematch proces (executed by the ELO) or provided through this operation. Although it doesn't enforce specifying the ECK ID or userID, at least one of both fields must be provided to ensure the working of the specification proces.
Adding person details later
Once a credit is created it's still possible to add personal details. For more details on how to update a person record take a look at the profile 5.x instructions.
The EAN indicated in the request does not have to exist in Edu-iX to be valid. Credits indicated with a non existing EAN won't be specified until the related product is created. Adding products is done automatically between Edu-iX and publishers.
You have a choice to use either the loginHeader or the sessionIDHeader to authenticate. A sessionID can be obtained by performing the login operation beforehand. See operation authentication.
Name | Type | Cardinality | ||
personCredit | 1...100 | |||
Empty response
Error codes
In case of errors on a single credit or on multiple credits, the response contains a FaultPerCredit complex-type for each occurred error. Credits without error are processed and stored in Edu-iX.
Error code | Description |
4 | |
6 | |
8 | |
9 |
With the uploadSchoolCredits operation you have the ability to create one or more IBF credits at once.
The idempotent characteristic of this operations ensures calls can be made multiple times without errors.
You have a choice to use either the loginHeader or the sessionIDHeader to authenticate. A sessionID can be obtained by performing the login operation beforehand. See operation authentication.
Name | Type | Cardinality | ||
schoolCredit | 1...100 | |||
Empty response
Error codes
In case of errors on a single credit or on multiple credits, the response contains a FaultPerCredit complex-type for each occurred error. Credits without error are processed and stored in Edu-iX.
Error code | Description |
4 | |
6 | |
8 | |
9 |
A returnCredit cancels the indicated credit for further use by the end user.
You have a choice to use either the loginHeader or the sessionIDHeader to authenticate. A sessionID can be obtained by performing the login operation beforehand. See operation authentication.
Name | Type | Cardinality | ||
returnCredit | 1...100 | |||
Empty response
Error codes
In case of errors on a single credit or on multiple credits, the response contains a FaultPerCredit complex-type for each occurred error. Credits without error are processed and stored in Edu-iX.
Error code | Description |
4 | |
6 | |
8 | |
9 |
A blockCredit blocks the indicated credit (which must have been specified) for further use by the end user.
The idempotent characteristic of this operations ensures calls can be made multiple times without errors.
You have a choice to use either the loginHeader or the sessionIDHeader to authenticate. A sessionID can be obtained by performing the login operation beforehand. See operation authentication.
Name | Type | Cardinality | ||
blockCredit | 1...100 | |||
Empty response
Error codes
In case of errors on a single credit or on multiple credits, the response contains a FaultPerCredit complex-type for each occurred error. Credits without error are processed and stored in Edu-iX.
Error code | Description |
4 | |
6 | |
9 | |
9 | |
9 | Record cannot be blocked because it is has a pending unblock |
An unblockCredit unblocks the indicated credit (which was blocked before) so it can be used again by the end user.
The idempotent characteristic of this operations ensures calls can be made multiple times without errors.
You have a choice to use either the loginHeader or the sessionIDHeader to authenticate. A sessionID can be obtained by performing the login operation beforehand. See operation authentication.
Name | Type | Cardinality | ||
unblockCredit | 1...100 | |||
Empty response
Error codes
In case of errors on a single credit or on multiple credits, the response contains a FaultPerCredit complex-type for each occurred error. Credits without error are processed and stored in Edu-iX.
Error code | Description |
4 | |
6 | |
9 | |
9 |
General errors
General errors may occur within every operation.
Error code | Description |
0 | Unkown error |
1 | General error. This occurs in for example: database errors or internal server errors. |
2 | Authentication error. For instance when invalid credentials are provided. |
3 | Login sessionID is expired The given sessionID is no longer active and has expired. Acquire a new sessionID to proceed. |
4 | Authorization error You do not have permission to use this operation. |
5 | Bad request Parsing error, for instance when invalid xml has been provided. |
Specific errors
Specific errors are bound to the given input or request and depend on the operation you execute.
Error code | Description |
6 | Missing required field(s) One or more fields are missing within the request. In case of a choice-element at least one value must be given. |
7 | Record not found A given value was not found. |
8 | Record cannot be changed Some functions are idempotent and therefor values cannot be altered within a second request. |
9 | Process validation error The given request does not meet the process constraints |
Complex Types
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description | ||
distributorCreditID | 1...1 | Unique identifier of the credit indicated by the distributor. | |||
parentDistributorCreditID | 0...1 | In case of a returnCredit this identifies the parent credit. | |||
distributorPersonID | 1...1 | Unique identifier of the person to which this credit is connected. | |||
organisationID | 1...1 | Unique identifier of the school to which this credit is connected. | |||
ean | 1...1 | Unique identifier of the product. The credit gives right of use for the indicated ean. | |||
startDate | date | 1...1 | The start date. Until the start date the credit cannot be used. | ||
personProductState | 1...1 | The state in which the product is active. | |||
eckID | 0...1 | Unique identification of the end user by the ECK standard. | |||
userID | 0...1 | Unique identification of the end user. This value is also known as the prematch value. | |||
specification | 0...1 | In case the credit is specified detailed information about the specification can be found here. | |||
error | 0...1 | Detailed information about occurred errors while specifying credits can be found within the error object. | |||
deliveryType | |||||
Code Block | “eck” or “eduv” | 1...1 | Use ECK standard or the EduV standard for specifications c.q. entitlements. | ||
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description | ||
distributorCreditID | 1...1 | Unique identifier of the credit indicated by the distributor. | |||
parentDistributorCreditID | 0...1 | In case of a returnCredit this identifies the parent credit. | |||
organisationID | 1...1 | Unique identifier of the school to which this credit will be connected. | |||
ean | 1...1 | Unique identifier of the product. The credit gives right of use for the indicated ean. | |||
startDate | date | 1...1 | The start date. Until the start date the credit cannot be used. | ||
amount | 1...1 | The amount of credits. | |||
returnedAmount | 0...1 | The amount of credits canceled. In case of multiple returnCredits on the same distributorCreditID a sum of the total return amount is shown. | |||
specification | 0...1 | In case the credit is specified detailed information about the specification can be found here. | |||
error | 0...1 | Detailed information about occurred errors while inserting or updating credits can be found within the error object. | |||
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description | ||
distributorCreditID | 1...1 | Unique identifier of the credit indicated by the distributor. | |||
distributorPersonID | 1...1 | Unique identifier of the person to which this credit is connected. | |||
organisationID | 1...1 | Unique identifier of the school to which this credit is connected. | |||
ean | 1...1 | Unique identifier of the product. The credit gives right of use for the indicated ean. | |||
startDate | date | 1...1 | The start date. Until the start date the credit cannot be used. | ||
block | boolean | 0...1 | Indicating if the credit should be blocked for specification. | ||
eckID | 0...1 | Unique identification of the end user by the ECK standard. | |||
userID | 0...1 | Unique identification of the end user. This value is also known as the prematch value. The given value must be according the syntax: ID@REALM | |||
deliveryType | “eck” or “eduv” | 1...1 | Use ECK standard or the EduV standard for specifications c.q. entitlements. | ||
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description | ||
distributorCreditID | 1...1 | Unique identifier of the credit indicated by the distributor. | |||
organisationID | 1...1 | Unique identifier of the school to which this credit is connected. | |||
ean | 1...1 | Unique identifier of the product. The credit gives right of use for the indicated ean. | |||
startDate | date | 1...1 | The start date. Until the start date the credit cannot be used. | ||
amount | 1...1 | The amount of credits. | |||
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description | ||
distributorCreditID | 1...1 | Unique identifier of the credit you want to return. | |||
amount | 1...1 | The amount of credits which should be returned. | |||
distributorReturnCreditID | 1...1 | Unique identifier of the returnCredit. | |||
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description | ||
distributorCreditID | 1...1 | Unique identifier of the credit you want to block. | |||
specificationRequestID | 0...1 | Identifier used by the specify engine. Default the same value as distributorCreditID (so leave empty) but can be different in case of prematch changes after specification, which results in a double specification. The specific specification requestID from the notification service must be supplied then. | |||
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description | ||
username | 0...1 | The username. | |||
password | 0...1 | The password. | |||
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description | ||
sessionID | 1...1 | Unique token which can be acquired by executing the login operation. | |||
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description |
specificationResponseID | 1...1 | Unique identifier of the specification provided by the publisher. The given value is according the ECK standard. | |
timeStamp | date | 1...1 | The date and time of the specification. |
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description |
errorKind | 1...1 | ||
errorCode | integer | 1...1 | In case of external errors the given value will be an ECK standard error. |
Simple Types
Name | Type | Possible values / format | Description |
string64 | String | Max length: 64 characters | String limited by a number of maximum allowed characters. |
string100 | String | Max length: 100 characters | String limited by a number of maximum allowed characters. |
string160 | String | Max length: 160 characters | String limited by a number of maximum allowed characters. |
string256 | String | Max length: 256 characters | String limited by a number of maximum allowed characters. |
amount | Integer | Minimal value must be at least 1 | |
organisationID | String | Min length: 1, Max length: 160 | Unique identifier of a school, e.g. “digiDeliveryId”. |
eckID | String | Min length: 128, Max length: 256 | Unique identification of the end user by the ECK standard. |
personProductState | Enum | Possible values:
| |
errorKind | Enum | Possible values:
| The kind of an credit error, i.e. internal (edu-ix) or external (lika, eck) |
Term | Description |
EBF | External book fund |
IBF | Internal book fund |
ECK | Educatieve contentketen. More information on: |
ECK ID | Unique identifier of a person according to the ECK standard |
ELO | Elektronische leeromgeving (electronic learning environment) |
Specification | Specification is the proces of sending credits from Edu-iX to the publisher. Each specification contains information about the end user and the credit itself. After the specification is completed the credit is available for user by the end user. |
Prematch | Prematch is the process of connecting the unique identifier of the end user, available in the ELO, to order data (personal details and credit information) in Edu-iX. |