

Edu-iX 4.3.1

Jul 3, 2020

Changes for distributors

  1. Obsolete services:

    1. https://edu-ix.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EDUIX/pages/250642433

    2. https://edu-ix.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EDUIX/pages/2850895

    3. https://edu-ix.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EDUIX/pages/2785291

    4. https://edu-ix.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EDUIX/pages/4096021

  2. New service CustomerService 4.2.1 (https://edu-ix.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EDUIX/pages/514424834 )

    1. “license_block” value is added to the specifyState enum.

  3. New service Notification 4.3 (Notification 4.3 )

    1. Information about a license block/unblock action is added

    2. The specifyState enum is changed to better understandable values

    3. The description of the errorCode is added in an errorMessage field

  4.  New service Credit 5.1 (Credit 5.2 )

    1. blockCredits operation added

    2. unblockCredits operation added

Changes for ELO's

  1. Obsolete services

    1. https://edu-ix.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EDUIX/pages/4325377

  2. New service Credit 4.3 (Credit 4.3 )

    1. getPersonCreditRaw operation added

    2. Blocked state is added to state enum (only used by getPersonCreditRaw operation)

    3. responseReferenceId is added to getSchoolCredit response

Other changes 

  1. Obsolete services in ELO domain

    1. License 2.2

    2. Catalog 2.2 

  2. Obsolete services in Distributor domain

    1. Order 2.2

  3. New services in ELO domain

    1. License 2.3

    2. Catalog 2.3

  4. New services in Distributor domain

    1. Order 2.3

  5. New registration service

    1. Registration 3.0


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