

When migrating from Registration 1.x to Registration 3.x, please take the following changes into account:

  • Registration 1.1 | getRegistrationarchived is replaced by Registration 3.1 | GetIdp

    • “RegistrationId” is renamed to “IdpId”

      • No unique combination for each idp + school combination is made anymore (in case of “PortalSupplier = distributeursportaal”) but each idp is returned only once and the linked schools are available in the “School” element list (formerly named “Customer”)

        • Start and end date are supplied for each school-idp link, because the idp of each school can be changed

    • “Hub” and “Portal” objects are depricated

    • “DistributorId”, “DeliveryType” and “PortalType” fields are depricated

    • “Realm” is the main identifier (formerly named “PortalId”)

    • “PortalType” is replaced by “PortalSupplier“, for example: "PortalSupplier>Distributeursportaal</PortalSupplier>"

  • Registration 1.1 | getCustomerarchived is replaced by Registration 3.1 | GetSchool

    • “DistributorSchoolId” is renamed to “OrganisationId”

    • Each school has a list of linked Idp’s

      • Activationcode school’s do not have a registered Idp and can only be detected using this Registration 3.1 | GetSchool call which will return “HasIdpRegistration = false”  and an empty Idp list)

      • A school can have more than 1 idp


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